How do I assign a Timelines task to to someone else?

Assigning a Timelines task to other team members.

Step 1 (of 3): Select "Timelines" on your Home page or Planning page.

Step 2 (of 3): Select the Timeline that you want to assign tasks to other team members on. 


GIF showing selecting Timelines, choosing your timeline and navigating to the assigning of tasks page. 

Step 3 (of 3): Review the Timeline tasks and events, adjust dates and descriptions as needed, and assign tasks to other educators if applicable. To do so, select a task and click on the drop down menu. Once you find the team members name, click on the name to assign the task. After you assign the the task, scroll to the bottom of the page and hit save. 


GIF showing selecting a task, assigning a due date and team member and hitting save button at the end to finalize the change. 

TIP: If you have more than one task (example: observation), create a separate assignment for each observation to ensure they are covered by the correct team members listed on the PWN.