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How do I activate my axis3 account?

How to activate your axis3 account as a new user

Step 1 (of 5): First, check your email inbox and then your spam folder if you do not see it in your inbox for an email from no-reply@creativelyfocused.net. The subject of the email is Welcome to axis3, [name]!.

Note: axis3 activation emails are unique to each user. Your axis3 activation email will expire after 7 days. If you haven't received your activation email or if it has expired, reach out to support@creativelyfocused.net for assistance. 

Step 2 (of 5): In the body of the email, scroll down and click on the "Create Your Password" button. 

Step 3 (of 5): You will enter your school email address in the "Email" section of the log in.

Step 4 (of 5): You will then choose your own unique password to use for logging in. 

Step 5 (of 5): Once you have typed and confirmed your password, click on the "Reset" button.

Tip: Remember to bookmark the axis3 log-in page!